Adding Media
Adding Media
Click the "Add Media" button in the top "Action Panel".
Adding Media 2
Adding Media
Now click the "Add files" button to view your local files on your PC.
Adding Media 3
Adding Media
Select single or multiple files from your hard drive or network and click "upload".
Adding Media 4
Adding Media
When you have selected all your files, click "Start upload" to add your media to the CMS library.
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Adding Media
Now your new media is uploaded - you can use the "Right drop menu" to refine your new entry.
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Adding Media
Here you can give your file a friendly name, set a default duration or an expiry date which will remove it from the CMS automatically. And you can add tags to help in the search bar. Make your selections and click "Save".
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Adding Media
If you want to make files public or private you can use the "Right drop menu" to set permissions.
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Adding Media
Set permissions using the cherry picker or change the owner to another team member and save your settings.
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Adding Media
That's it - your'e ready to add your'e media to a new or existing layout.